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ExtraWBInfo.guide 1.0 (24.6.95)
Simon Dick
1995 - Freely distributable
Generated with Heddley v1.1
Heddley v1.1 (C) Edd Dumbill 1994
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1. ExtraWBInfo manual
**************************** ExtraWBInfo ***************************
By Simon Dick
Version 1.0
24th June 1995
Bugs and Improvements
See ExtraInfo.guide
2. Distribution
o ExtraWBInfo is Copyright ©1995 by Simon Dick.
All rights are reserved.
o ExtraWBInfo is "freeware" so no donation is required. It is *not* in
the public domain.
o ExtraWBInfo may be freely distributed provided all the files listed
in Contents remain unaltered and are included in the distribution.
They may, however, be archived to conserve space.
o No profit is to be made by selling this software. You may only
charge enough to cover reasonable production and distribution
o This software may not be included in a commercial package, or on a
magazine coverdisk, without the author's written permission.
o This software may not be uploaded onto any BBS that claims
copyright on uploaded material.
o If you use ExtraWBInfo, I would enjoy receiving a postcard or email
from you. See my addresses.
Amiga, AmigaDOS, AmigaGuide, Workbench and Kickstart
are registered trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
3. Disclaimer
This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as
to the quality and performance of this program is with you. In no event can
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3. Disclaimer
I be liable to you for damages of any kind arising out of the use of this
program, or the inability to use it.
4. Contents
The following files should be in this distribution:
ExtraWBInfo The actual program itself
ExtraWBInfo.guide The AmigaGuide version of this
ExtraWBInfo.guide.info documentation
ExtraWBInfo.doc The plain text version of this
ExtraWBInfo.doc.info documentation
5. Requirements
ExtraWBInfo requires:
· AmigaOS 3.0 / Kickstart V39 or higher
· commodities.library v36 or higher
· ExtraInfo v1.2 or higher
The following packages are optional:
· SetMan
· PatchControl
If you do not have either of the above two packages installed then you
will not be able to quit ExtraWBInfo as it can be very unsafe to remove
patches from the system. If you try to quit then the patch will just be
disabled and the original function will be called.
On the other hand, if SetMan, PatchControl or some other compatible
program has been installed then ExtraWBInfo is able to safely quit and will
do so when asked.
6. Introduction
ExtraWBInfo is a program which replaces the Workbench Information window
with ExtraInfo. It does this by patching the WBInfo() function, this means
that it will only work under Workbench 3 or higher. There isn't any (legal)
way to do this for Workbench 2.x though which means that ExtraWBInfo can
only be used with Workbench 3 or higher.
7. Installation
There really isn't much to installing ExtraWBInfo, the best way of doing
it is to simply drag the icon into your WBStartup drawer. The other way to
do it is to copy it wherever you want and then add a line something like
this to your S:User-Startup file:
Run >NIL: SYS:Utilities/ExtraWBInfo
If you use either of these methods, ExtraWBInfo will be run the next time
you reboot.
8. Tooltypes
If you have got ExtraWBInfo being run from your User-Startup file then you
(currently) haven't got any configuration options, this is one of the
reasons that I recommend that you run ExtraWBInfo from your WBStartup
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8. Tooltypes
On the other hand, if run from Workbench, ExtraWBInfo recognises the
following tooltype:
Here is the description of the tooltype:
EXTRAINFOCMD String, default: "ExtraInfo"
This tooltype is to allow you to tell ExtraWBInfo where the actual
ExtraInfo program is kept in your system, if this isn't given then
ExtraWBInfo tries to run a program called ExtraInfo and just hopes that
it's in your path.
9. Usage
Once you have ExtraWBInfo running, you don't really need to do anything
else. As ExtraWBInfo runs as a commodity, you can use the commodities
Exchange program supplied by CBM (or a replacement) to control ExtraWBInfo.
If you disable ExtraWBInfo then the original WBInfo() function will be
One note is that when run from ExtraWBInfo, ExtraInfo will read all of its
configuration from its icons tooltypes. See the READICON argument in the
ExtraInfo manual for more information.
NB ExtraWBInfo will only quit if SetMan or PatchControl are installed (see
requirements for the reason), if neither are installed then when asked to
quit, ExtraWBInfo will simply temporarily disable itself, you are then able
to activate it again using Exchange.
10. Credits
Thanks must go to the following people:
· Nick Christie for writing ExtraInfo in the first place
· O.I.C. for producing DICE v3 which was used to write this.
· And everyone who's still supporting the Amiga.
11. History
39.3 (13.6.95) 4660 bytes
· Removed support for all tooltypes except EXTRAINFOCMD, as ExtraWBInfo
now makes use of ExtraInfos READICON argument.
39.2 (10.6.95) 5380 bytes
· I forgot to include the GUIDENAME tooltype
· ExtraWBInfo now calls ExtraInfo using the short shell arguments
39.1 (5.6.95) 5380 bytes
· First Release
12. Author
ExtraWBInfo was written by:
Simon Dick
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12. Author
My address is:
31 Salisbury Road
Kent DA5 3QE
My Email address is currently:
ExtraWBInfo was developed on an 4MB A1200, 20MHz 68882, 428MB hard drive
running Workbench 3.0 and was compiled using DICE V3.
If you have any suggestions, bug reports, questions, etc. then feel free to
write to me. I will do my best to reply as long as you supply return
postage (preferably IRC's).
13. Bugs And Future
Known Bugs
· None currently known of.
Possible improvements
· Localise ExtraWBInfo.
· Possibly write a version for Kickstart 2.x. This would be purely a
hack though, but as it only has to work with a certain Kickstart then
there shouldn't be any problems.
· Add some sort of preference window instead of just having them set
using tooltypes.
· Keeping up to date with any future changes in ExtraInfo.
· Add some command line options.
· Only use ExtraInfo for certain tasks.
Any bug reports or suggestions for ExtraWBInfo should be sent to me.
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13. Bugs And Future
14. INDEX of sections
Author .......................................................... 3. 60
Bugs And Future ................................................. 4. 15
Contents ........................................................ 2. 2
Credits ......................................................... 3. 32
Disclaimer ...................................................... 1. 56
Distribution .................................................... 1. 27
ExtraWBInfo manual .............................................. 1. 0
History ......................................................... 3. 41
Installation .................................................... 2. 47
Introduction .................................................... 2. 38
Requirements .................................................... 2. 16
Tooltypes ....................................................... 2. 59
Usage ........................................................... 3. 14
15. INDEX of keywords
Author ....................................... 1. 24
Bugs and Improvements ....................................... 1. 25
Contents ....................................... 1. 16
Credits ....................................... 1. 22
Disclaimer ....................................... 1. 15
Distribution ....................................... 1. 14
History ....................................... 1. 23
Installation ....................................... 1. 19
Introduction ....................................... 1. 18
Requirements ....................................... 1. 17
See ExtraInfo.guide ....................................... 1. 26
Tooltypes ....................................... 1. 20
Usage ....................................... 1. 21
addresses ....................................................... 1. 52
Contents ........................................................ 1. 38
ExtraInfo ....................................................... 2. 24
ExtraInfo manual ................................................ 3. 26
me .............................................................. 4. 37
Nick Christie ................................................... 3. 38
S:User-Startup .................................................. 2. 54
Simon Dick ...................................................... 1. 31
User-Startup .................................................... 2. 63